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The Gym Rubber Flooring Is Available In

  • Rubber rollers
  • Rubber Tiles
  • Rubber mat

You can use any of the above depending on what area you want to cover and how that area will be used. If you are a gym rubber flooring supplier, having all the options is mandatory as you will be dealing with various customers with different requirements.

Gym Rubber Flooring Rollers

  • Long rubber sheets are ideal for covering large spaces.
  • Less likely to be damaged.
  • Have traction and are easy to install.
  • Great for impact reduction and unlikely to be damaged by falling equipment
  • Can be installed over any type of sub-floor. Such as concrete, wood or any other shape.
  • will protect that subfloor from damage.

Gym Rubber Flooring Mats

The only difference between rubber rollers and rubber mats is that rubber mats are smaller. You can place rubber mats in small spaces or areas designated for heavyweights.

Gym Rubber Tiles

Rubber tiles are made from the same material as rubber rollers. They come with interlocking edges that allow them to be connected. They offer all the advantages of a rubber roller. Some of them are durability, impact reduction, traction, and ground protection.

The only difference is that they can be modified to fit any room, making them ideal for small spaces. The only downside is that they can disconnect, but this can be fixed by sticking them together.